Sunday, March 15, 2009

Princess Pedicures

I got home from Jacksonville on Thursday and I had the girls over for their princess pedicures. They sat in their pink princess chairs and ate strawberries and drank chocolate milk while I pampered their sweet little feet. Shelby had pneumonia, so she wasn't real cooperative. I gave them the dresses and hair bows I bought for their birthday and had them in pretty pink gift bags I got from the dollar store. They were scared of the foot spas, so we had to turn them off or they would not put their feet in them! Savannah kept telling me not to do it so fast. I took pictures and posted them on my facebook and myspace websites. I thought they would have liked it better. Savannah didn't like the scrubby lotion, so I will have to leave that out next time. They are sweet girls, sweet as sugar. As they were leaving, I was kissing Shelby and Savannah wanted some more kisses too. Adam loves a pedicure too. As soon as I am through he tells me to do it again. I wanted their birthday present from me to be extra special. We had a good time. I love those girls. Adam too.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Shannon! You were over here in Jacksonville? I didn't even know. Looks like the pedicures were a lot of fun. I'm sure that made their birthdays' extra special!
