Monday, March 23, 2009

First Flight

In January, I flew this plane from the Tallahassee airport to Dog Island. My
pilot was very experienced. It was just like driving a car except you can go up
and down. We had a picnic on the beach and I picked up shells. It was cold, but very sunny and a really nice day. I was glad I went. On the way back, the door opened and I thought I was going to fall out! I had so much fun and I would do it again. The plane was very small- a Cessna 150. As I was landing, Tessa called me and she whisked me off to the mall where I ate a big, fat Cinnabon and drank a smoothie. Then we went to Target and off to a Japanese restaurant where I ate lobster, shrimp and scallops. The cook prepared our food right in front of us. He was hilarious. There were some FSU students sitting next to us and they were doing "saki bombs". We had a nice time. It was a perfect day.

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