Friday, February 13, 2009

First of the Super Stories

I am new to this, so I guess I'll figure it out along the way. I just saw Cheryl Geiger's blog and it motivated me to get started. Yesterday, I went and got a root canal. Aside from costing me over $500, it wasn't that bad. Not a lot of pain- the worst part was the numbing of my mouth. It feels so weird and uncomfortable, but it wore off after a couple of hours. Now I can't even tell anything has been done to the tooth. I went to Wal-mart and bought lots of new clothes that were on clearance. So I have some comfortable new things to wear that look nice. I love the Danskin line and the Faded Glory section and I got a few Just My Size shirts. (yes I am still fat, but doing good on my diet, so maybe not for much longer!) I picked up my antibiotic that I have to take until my abscess heals. I bought some pink tulips for the twins for Valentine's Day. I went for a nice walk last night and enjoyed the cool air and the stars that were so bright in the clear sky. I bought a new journal from Deseret book and I am waiting to get my archival-save pen to start that. I haven't kept a journal regularly and I want to get back to that because I used to enjoy it so much. I want to learn more about this blogspot thing because I know I will love it if I can figure it out. I visited with my neices this week. I went to see them Sunday and they came to see me Wednesday. Before I left their house on Sunday, they wanted to make sure I would come back and see them. I am having a big pedicure party at my house tonight. I have so much product and love having people over and making their feet pretty. We will have a good time.

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