Sunday, February 15, 2009

Well, I spent the day with my Grandpa at the rehabilitation center where he is recovering from surgery. We had a pleasant day. I went to church for the first time in almost 2 years. Wearing high heels was uncomfortable, but atleast I looked good! It was ward conference and the lunch was delicious. I took my laptop and introduced Grandma and Grandpa to Facebook. Neither one of them could see their picture on my page. We watched Legacy on my laptop. We took a stroll and saw a great blue heron. I ate most of Grandpa's dinner. We missed the spelling bee. We are trying diligently to get rid of Grandma's toenail fungus and Grandpa's gout. I am going to walk in the morining with my Grandma. I have my sewing bag and will work on the Christmas stockings for my nehpew and neices that I bought almost two years ago. I have my personal trainer course I ordered and will finally have time to study for that. I have watched 3 episodes of The Guardian tonight and am on my fourth. I never watch TV. I am looking forward to spending time with my grandparents. They are gettin old and I am glad to help them. I can't figure out why my Grandpa's roommate sits with a blanket over his head all day. We are getting a private room tomorrow. I want to post some pictures and nice things on my blog and make it look nice. I have got to get some help to figure out how to do this.

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