Thursday, April 30, 2009

Outdoor Showering

I have an outdoor shower now and it is fabulous! I have lots of candles in it and lots of AVON bath products. There is good water pressure and plenty of hot water too! It is so big and roomy.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

In The Garden

Last week, I took the girls and Adam out to my garden to help me water it. Tessa came with us. Adam helped me plant these seeds a few weeks ago. We have tomatoes, cantaloupe, peppers, lettuce, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, watermelon, several different kinds of herbs and some perennials and bulbs. We saw my hummingbird feeding that day too. Spring is wonderful!

Rainy Day

One Rainy day we got out the hair twister I got the girls and twisted a lock of hair and put a bead in it. We were at the beach during spring break and it was storming outside and we had nothing better to do. I ordered this Conair hair twister from AVON. We are still practicing, this was our first try. Savannah was the only one who would let me do it. I let her pick out the color of bead and she loved being prissy.

Friday, April 24, 2009

St. Augustine

I went to St. Augustine and stayed at a hostel called The Pirate Haus (pictured), camped at Anastasia State Park, visited the lighthouse and toured the Fort there. I visited lots of shops, ate outdoors at a nice Italian restaurant, got a free spice package, free perfume sample, free shark's tooth necklace, and a free refrigerator magnet with the coupons I found. I drank from the fountain of youth. I biked all around Flaggler College. I ate gelato. I had a free pancake breakfast with homegrown ruby red grapefruit at the hostel and slept with strangers!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter 2009

We took Easter pictures at Stacey's house this year. The girls were wearing one of the dresses I got them for their birthday. The azaleas were blooming and we were all so pretty!

Spring Break 2009 at Panama City Beach

We went to Panama City Beach for Spring Break 2009 and stayed at a swanky condo right on the beach. We had 3 bedrooms and 3 baths and we were all able to stay comfortably. We had a nice balcony, lots of movie channels, wi-fi in the lobby, water park underneath the condo with swimming pools and hot tubs. We went to Pier Park to walk around the shopping center, to the movies, out to dinner and shopping at Wal-Mart. It was a fun trip. I bought a bad minton set for the children to play with and my kite from my last Spring Break in college (1999) and we kept busy. For the girls, I brought a hair twister machine to twist their hair with and put beads in it. I ate breakfast with my nieces and nephew and they slept with me. Adam enjoyed taking a bath in the huge tub in the master bedroom. I took my reading and sewing to keep busy when it rained or we weren't going out. We had a fun time and nobody wanted to leave.

Monday, March 23, 2009

First Flight

In January, I flew this plane from the Tallahassee airport to Dog Island. My
pilot was very experienced. It was just like driving a car except you can go up
and down. We had a picnic on the beach and I picked up shells. It was cold, but very sunny and a really nice day. I was glad I went. On the way back, the door opened and I thought I was going to fall out! I had so much fun and I would do it again. The plane was very small- a Cessna 150. As I was landing, Tessa called me and she whisked me off to the mall where I ate a big, fat Cinnabon and drank a smoothie. Then we went to Target and off to a Japanese restaurant where I ate lobster, shrimp and scallops. The cook prepared our food right in front of us. He was hilarious. There were some FSU students sitting next to us and they were doing "saki bombs". We had a nice time. It was a perfect day.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Patrick's Day Party 2009

I had a fabulous time planning and hosting a St. Patrick's Day party this year. Shelby and Savannah were sick today and didn't go to school, so they helped me make cupcakes. Tessa Ford picked up the decorations at ALCO in Blounstown on her way home from Chipola. I thought St. Patrick's Day was on the 18th, so I was a day late. We had green sprite, green cupcakes, green pudding and everybody ate spaghetti, salad and we fed the fish the burnt french bread I made. We even had temporary tattoos for the occasion thanks to Tessa's shopping. I found some green candles and green napkins and made a pretty table. We went outside and the kids fed the fish and ran around while the adults sat on the porch. Maria brought her foster child that I hadn't met yet. Renner came and showed off his shamrock tatoo on his belly. Vanesa came with Tessa and her boyfriend Noah. Stacey broght Adam. Erica came also with Maria. I was happy to be able to have my family and friends with me to celebrate a fun time and take pictures to put on facebook and myspace and decorate my blog with. I was exhausted at the end of the day and fell asleep early, so that is why I am up so early posting this blog!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Princess Pedicures

I got home from Jacksonville on Thursday and I had the girls over for their princess pedicures. They sat in their pink princess chairs and ate strawberries and drank chocolate milk while I pampered their sweet little feet. Shelby had pneumonia, so she wasn't real cooperative. I gave them the dresses and hair bows I bought for their birthday and had them in pretty pink gift bags I got from the dollar store. They were scared of the foot spas, so we had to turn them off or they would not put their feet in them! Savannah kept telling me not to do it so fast. I took pictures and posted them on my facebook and myspace websites. I thought they would have liked it better. Savannah didn't like the scrubby lotion, so I will have to leave that out next time. They are sweet girls, sweet as sugar. As they were leaving, I was kissing Shelby and Savannah wanted some more kisses too. Adam loves a pedicure too. As soon as I am through he tells me to do it again. I wanted their birthday present from me to be extra special. We had a good time. I love those girls. Adam too.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

spring fishing and wisteria

I went fishing this week at the pond in front of my Aunt Nancy's house. I caught yellow-bellied brim and released them to eat more mosquitoes. I sat on the dock with my laptop (newly fixed) and enjoyed the moonlight and downloaded new music and chatted on the phone. This is why I was not a pioneer- I could not survive without technology. I bought my neices 2 pink princess chairs from the dollar store. Their birthday is this week and I am going to give them pedicures and let them sit in their chairs and sip chocolate milk. I also got nice gift bags to put the dresses in that I bought for them. I can't wait to see them since I have been gone for almost a month. I talk to them briefly on the phone before I get a rushed "I love you, bye!". They are only 3 and don't have much use for the phone yet. I promised Adam that I would come home and we would fly the kite I got him for Valentine's Day. I hope we can get some wind. I sent him a postcard from the zoo where I went last weekend and he told me he got it when I got him to get on the phone. I have enjoyed staying at my Aunt's house. I am supposed to go on a casino cruise tomorrow evening. Free food, drinks, gambling, and entertainment. I can't wait to watch everybody get drunk and lose their money. I got my memory card in and will have to figure out how to use it to get my pictures off my phone so I can post them on my facebook page and my blog. My grandpa is going home Thursday and then Mama is picking me up on the way back from her Orlando trip to the temple. I went to church Sunday and met the mother of a good friend here in Fleming Island. I have had a good time, but look forward to getting back home. It is time for spring planting and I can't wait to get my hands in the dirt!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lazy Sunday

Yesterday, my best friend Katherine came and picked me up and we went shopping and got a milkshake at Steak and Shake. Mine was strawberry/banana yogurt. We went to Michael's and I bought a picture frame, some ribbon and an archival-quality pen to start with my new journal. I haven't written in a journal in a couple of years and it is good therapy. I bought some beautiful dresses at Walmart for my neices with matching hair bows. I got me some bobby pins for my hair. Everybody is wearing them and I had to have me some. I do love to make purchases. I enjoyed my day off from sitting with my grandpa. I found out about where you can watch tv and movies online. I went bike riding this morning and plan to go see 2 lighthouses later this week. My grandpa should be discharged this week and I will go stay at his house until he can get settled in and around better. I have been working on the Christmas stockings I started for my neices and nephew 2 years ago. I have enjoyed working on that. I am having a good time. I shop at Publix often and I love it. I walk everyday and get plenty of exercise.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Well, I spent the day with my Grandpa at the rehabilitation center where he is recovering from surgery. We had a pleasant day. I went to church for the first time in almost 2 years. Wearing high heels was uncomfortable, but atleast I looked good! It was ward conference and the lunch was delicious. I took my laptop and introduced Grandma and Grandpa to Facebook. Neither one of them could see their picture on my page. We watched Legacy on my laptop. We took a stroll and saw a great blue heron. I ate most of Grandpa's dinner. We missed the spelling bee. We are trying diligently to get rid of Grandma's toenail fungus and Grandpa's gout. I am going to walk in the morining with my Grandma. I have my sewing bag and will work on the Christmas stockings for my nehpew and neices that I bought almost two years ago. I have my personal trainer course I ordered and will finally have time to study for that. I have watched 3 episodes of The Guardian tonight and am on my fourth. I never watch TV. I am looking forward to spending time with my grandparents. They are gettin old and I am glad to help them. I can't figure out why my Grandpa's roommate sits with a blanket over his head all day. We are getting a private room tomorrow. I want to post some pictures and nice things on my blog and make it look nice. I have got to get some help to figure out how to do this.

Friday, February 13, 2009

First of the Super Stories

I am new to this, so I guess I'll figure it out along the way. I just saw Cheryl Geiger's blog and it motivated me to get started. Yesterday, I went and got a root canal. Aside from costing me over $500, it wasn't that bad. Not a lot of pain- the worst part was the numbing of my mouth. It feels so weird and uncomfortable, but it wore off after a couple of hours. Now I can't even tell anything has been done to the tooth. I went to Wal-mart and bought lots of new clothes that were on clearance. So I have some comfortable new things to wear that look nice. I love the Danskin line and the Faded Glory section and I got a few Just My Size shirts. (yes I am still fat, but doing good on my diet, so maybe not for much longer!) I picked up my antibiotic that I have to take until my abscess heals. I bought some pink tulips for the twins for Valentine's Day. I went for a nice walk last night and enjoyed the cool air and the stars that were so bright in the clear sky. I bought a new journal from Deseret book and I am waiting to get my archival-save pen to start that. I haven't kept a journal regularly and I want to get back to that because I used to enjoy it so much. I want to learn more about this blogspot thing because I know I will love it if I can figure it out. I visited with my neices this week. I went to see them Sunday and they came to see me Wednesday. Before I left their house on Sunday, they wanted to make sure I would come back and see them. I am having a big pedicure party at my house tonight. I have so much product and love having people over and making their feet pretty. We will have a good time.